
Spiritual Wellness: The Maturity of the Human Soul

When it comes to overcoming adversity, there are many stories of great men and women who have found meaning and joy through suffering.

About 20 years ago, a family friend passed along a book – Great Souls: Six Who Changed the Century, by David Aikman, former senior foreign correspondent for Time Magazine. The tagline reads, “True stories of virtue to delight the mind and stir the spirit.”

My kind of book.

On the inside jacket, Aikman writes, “What has struck me as a reporter for most of my adult life is the capacity of individual human beings again and again to rise above their times and their circumstances and to change, if only just a little, the direction of the human tide.”

In the book, Aikman tells the stories of six remarkable individuals – Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Billy Graham, Pope John Paul II, Elie Wiesel, and Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn.

I would like to talk about Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn today.

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The Power of the Mind to Overcome Fear

As I stood at the edge of the cliff glancing back over my shoulder, I knew I had a choice to make.

OK, let me back up. No pun intended (you’ll see).

One Time at a Dude Ranch…

Ten years ago I went to a dude ranch (aka western guest ranch) in Arizona for a week-long workshop on corporate communication. Actually, that was the stated purpose of the workshop. It was actually more like a week of life-changing introspection and personal growth.

Our dude ranch was situated in the Saguaro National Park, part of the Sonoran Desert just miles from Tucson. I was with a group of 20 for a “master class.”

There were horseback rides, desert walks, and a smudging ceremony.

But I hadn’t seen anything in the promotional materials about hurtling down the side of a cliff. 

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Physical Wellness: Breaking Barriers

This morning I decided to go for a run.

Which is interesting, actually, because I’m not a runner.

So yes, sometimes I run when I have to. Like when it’s raining and I don’t want to get wet.

Or when I’m at the beach and the sand is too hot.

That’s the kind of runner I am.

So, as I found myself lacing up my “running” shoes this morning, only one thought was going through my head. “I’m not a runner.”

And then I went out and ran.

I ran three miles. And it felt great.

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Flow State – How do We Get in the Flow?

We all love to be in the flow state. You know – that magical moment when you are so in the groove that the work you’re doing seems almost effortless. You no longer look for interruptions to rescue you from the drudgery of your task – instead, you avoid interruptions like the plague. 

The flow state can even make you feel almost superhuman. But it can be so elusive. Why is this? And how can we get in flow state more often?

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All About Acai Bowls

I have two burning questions:

1) Have you discovered acai?

2) Do you know how to pronounce it?

I had heard of acai for years (though I still hadn’t mastered its pronunciation). I figured acai was just the next trendy health craze that would soon fade away and make room for the next trendy health craze. I’m generally not one to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to trendy health crazes, so I didn’t bother with it.

Until last year. And now I’m a believer.

As a matter of fact, my life has sort of become BA and AA. “Before Acai” and “After Acai.”

Game. Changer.

What is Acai?

So…what is acai? And what’s the fuss all about?

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