
The Magic of Beginnings (All Year Long)

There’s something magical about beginnings. They represent a clean slate and the opportunity to begin something new. Wrapped up in beginnings is the promise of happiness, growth, adventure. The blank canvas stretched out before us is exhilarating. Life is the canvas, and we are its artist. There is only hope, potential, and whatever we dare to dream.

For many of us, each new year marks this kind of beginning. We commit to new goals and a new way of being. Whether it’s a new career, fitness routine, financial strategy, or way of looking at ourselves or others, we see the beginning as an opportunity to move forward and to leave behind what limits us. We face the future with optimism and a can-do spirit.

But before long, the newness gives way to the sameness of the days that follow. It’s not easy holding on to that magical feeling. Days blend into weeks, weeks into months, months into years. Things that weren’t part of the plan pop up and throw us off course. As time goes on, we often find that we are sitting in the middle of the canvas…and we’re not even sure if we’re the artist anymore.

Is it possible we need to change the way we look at beginnings?

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Have you Dropped your Ice Cream Cone? Rediscovering Joy

Picture this: a young girl in a pretty pink dress, ribbons in hair, twirling delightedly. She is with her mom and sisters on an outing to the mall. Her mom has just bought her an ice cream cone. This is a special treat. She keeps twirling, ice cream cone in hand. At this moment, she hasn’t a care in the world. She feels pure joy.

Until the ice cream goes flying off her cone.

No more ice cream – and no more twirling. She is distraught and quickly learns that she shouldn’t have been twirling with ice cream in her hand in the first place.


As life goes on, she tries to be more careful. So many “rules.” She tries to follow the rules. But it’s not easy keeping track of them. More ice cream drops. Eventually she stops twirling altogether.

She edits, she pleases, she is oh so careful.

Can you relate to this girl? Although the girl with ice cream was me at 7 or 8, I think there’s a little of this girl in each of us.

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Time Management: Five Simple Tricks to Multiply Your Time

Do you find yourself wishing you had more hours in the day? Or maybe you struggle to follow through on your good intentions because you feel so pressed for time?

If so, I can relate. I’ve been there. As in, much of my life.

I think time management is one of the greatest challenges in our daily lives, and also something that provides great joy and freedom – once we get a grip on it. As Harvey Mackay once said:

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.”

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Losing Weight: Is There Really a Secret?

Losing weight is one of the most talked about and Googled topics. It’s no surprise that the weight loss market is now a record-setting $72 billion industry. Whether we have a substantial amount of weight to lose or just ten pounds “around the middle,” most of us can relate to the frustrations of a yo-yo diet, hitting a plateau, and being lost in a sea of confusion about all the conflicting weight loss information out there.

Packing on extra weight is no fun. It can affect our self-confidence and overall happiness, and can also have serious negative health effects. So let’s cut through some of the noise out there and get down to the basics about weight loss so that you can shed not only those extra pounds, but the mental and emotional weight too.

The Biggest Weight Loss Trap

The biggest weight loss trap is the “shortcut” weight loss method or diet. You know what I mean: the type of program that promises “a fast and effortless way to lose weight.” If a brilliant scientist were to concoct a formula for rapid and effortless weight reduction, he or she would become an overnight sensation. The medical evidence is quite clear: the maximum rate of sustainable fat loss is between one and two pounds per week, perhaps a little more if you are technically obese.

So for the sake of your sanity as well as your financial health, don’t waste time or money on weight loss methods that make extravagant claims. Most of these methods require extreme restrictions or ways of eating and exercising that set us up for failure for one simple fact: they are not sustainable (and they are often not healthy).

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Feeling Stressed? Mind What You Eat!

Oh, the stress! Crazy schedules, COVID worries, doctor’s visits, parenting battles, work dilemmas, relationship issues, health concerns, messy houses, caring for aging parents, losing loved ones. At times our lives can simply feel like too much. The stress we feel not only depletes us emotionally, but takes a huge toll on us physically too.

Why does stress leave us feeling so run down? When you’re stressed, your entire being – your mind, body, and spirit, and all of their sub-systems that keep you running every day – devote all of their resources to managing your stressful event. In essence, you go into survival mode and your systems operate at full capacity. Your body taps into every form of emotional and physical energy and grabs from its reserves as well. Even if you feel frozen in your stress, your body is actively working to prepare you to deal with your stressors.

As part of this response, stress depletes our bodies of several important vitamins and minerals. And on top of that, we tend to skip meals and just grab whatever is at hand to keep us going. It’s no wonder we end up feeling so drained.

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