
Feeling Drained? 10 Common Energy Leaks (That Coffee Can’t Fix)!

If you’re feeling low on energy and are considering a quick Starbucks fix, first pause and consider what may be draining your energy. Of course there are many physiological factors that could account for your low energy state, but did you know you could be leaking energy due to something in the emotional, intellectual, social, or spiritual realm?

Something may be hanging over your head, such as an unfinished task, buried emotion, toxic situation, or unresolved conflict.

These are all consistent drains on our emotional reserves, or what we call energy leaks. These leaks may feel significant or they could be seemingly trivial. 

However, these leaks aren’t mere inconveniences. They steal our energy and productivity, hindering our progress toward other goals. Energy leaks usually operate on the subconscious level—we don’t usually realize something is leaking our energy until we bring conscious awareness to it.

Your energy can be maximized, but it isn’t limitless. If you spend your energy on these leaks, you’ll have an energy deficit.


The Myth of Multitasking: Three Steps to End the Madness

“I’m listening. Don’t worry, I’m a good multitasker.”

Has anyone ever said this to you, perhaps while scrolling through their phone and paying you little attention?

Have you ever missed a key part of a conference call while placing an Amazon order or responding to a text or email? Perhaps you’ve made a dangerous driving mistake while lost in thought? (I have.) Or maybe you’ve read the same paragraph over and over, as the email notifications light up in your inbox?

Multitasking—it’s the modern-day superhero skill everyone claims to have, yet science tells us it’s more of a supervillain in disguise. We’ve all fallen prey to its allure, attempting to conquer several tasks simultaneously, only to find our results lackluster.


10 Simple Daily Habits for a Healthier You

Do you feel low on energy or frustrated that you lose momentum when it comes to healthy eating and moving? Perhaps you struggle to maintain healthy habits because of your busy schedule, as you try to keep all the balls in the air at work and at home, feeling there’s precious little time left over to care for yourself. You may want to feel better and live with strength and vitality for as long as possible, but have difficulty finding time or holding on to your motivation.

I believe part of the problem is that many of us fall into the trap of an all-or-nothing mindset. We may set lofty goals that leave us dissatisfied in the long run because, let’s face it, the goals are tough to reach and nearly impossible to maintain. We’re like runners who start out all fired up and sprint out of the block. We may see others doing it, so we think it’s what we should be doing too. But before long it gets really, really tough to keep going at that pace. And it’s exhausting. So we fizzle out. Back to the starting block we go. And the cycle continues.

Others of us can’t seem to even get out of the starting block because the road ahead seems too daunting. A small voice inside of us says, “Don’t even bother, it’s too difficult. Have a Cheeto.”

Both of these tendencies come from an all-or-nothing mindset and perfectionistic thinking. This type of thinking is a form of procrastination and self-sabotage.

Is there any hope? Of course there is. The health journey truly is a marathon, not a sprint. Think about where you want to be 30 years from now, not only where you want to be now. It’s the sustainable path that keeps you focused and inspired, and that leads to a healthier you.


Managing Remote AND On-Site Workers? Tips to Ease the Tension

In March 2020, COVID threw our world into chaos. Many companies are still dealing with the effects of this chaos, particularly in the areas of supply chain, cost, and labor issues. Another business challenge brought about by COVID is the split between remote and on-site workers.

For companies in which ALL employees are able to work from home, there are many productivity challenges that need to be navigated to make the remote work arrangement successful. But these issues are magnified when some employees are allowed to work from home and others must report to the office – often against their will. 


Managers: Five Ways to Give Your Employees More Autonomy!

Work-life balance may seem like a fairly modern concept. But the truth is that employees have been fighting for work-life balance for many, many years. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, when manufacturing was the primary industry, the average manufacturing employee logged 100 hours per week. (Wow – we think we have it rough!) At that time, there was a loud cry to reduce the number of hours worked.

The influences and circumstances may have changed over time, but employees have always sought to find that elusive balance between bringing home the bacon and actually being home to enjoy the bacon.
